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Below you’ll find an archive of our database blog posts:

Update: Society of Colonial Wars in Massachusetts Supplemental Membership Applications, 1560-1970 - We are happy to announce that the volume “Supplemental Applications” has been added to our database, Society of Colonial Wars in Massachusetts Membership Applications, 1560-1970. This update contains 12,400 pages, 136,123 records, and 324,844 names. Since its founding in 1893, the SCWMA has combined fraternal good fellowship with a dedication to promoting patriotic values and a...
New Sketches: Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784 - Today we’ve added two new sketches to Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784. The people profiled in these sketches lived in Vernon. These sketches were created by Scott Andrew Bartley, who is researching the heads of families who lived in Vermont prior to the Revolutionary War. His study project is not only identifying those who sought better lives...
Update: The Mayflower Descendant, Volume 72 - We are happy to announce that we have added Volume 72 (2024) to the Mayflower Descendant database. This update adds 222 pages, 4,095 records, and 4,065 searchable names. The indexing for these records includes full names, publication year (not the year of the record), article titles, and authors. The Mayflower Descendant was originally published by the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower...
New Sketches: Boston Tea Party Biographies - We’re excited to announce that the final 67 sketches have been added to our Boston Tea Party Participant Biographies database! All of the sketches included in this update are proven participants or eyewitnesses. The goal of this project is to create comprehensive biographical sketches for all individuals associated with or known to have participated in the Boston...
Update: The Mayflower Descendant, Volume 71 - We are happy to announce that we have added Volume 71 (2023) to the Mayflower Descendant database. This update adds 232 pages, 4,344 records, and 4,316 searchable names. The Mayflower Descendant was originally published by the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants starting in 1899. In 2015, New England Historic Genealogical Society assumed stewardship of the venerable journal. It is...
New Sketches: Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784 - Today we’ve added six new and updated sketches to Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784. The people profiled in these sketches lived in Fort Dummer, Springfield, and Vernon. These sketches were created by Scott Andrew Bartley, who is researching the heads of families who lived in Vermont prior to the Revolutionary War. His study project is not only...
Massachusetts: Biographical Entries of People of African Descent in New Bedford and Coastal Towns Also Once Part of Dartmouth - We are excited to announce that we have published the Massachusetts: Biographical Entries of People of African Descent in New Bedford and Coastal Towns Also Once Part of Dartmouth (Westport, Dartmouth, and Fairhaven) database to add 12,501 names, 405 pages, and 6504 records to the 10 Million Names Project. This database consists of one volume...
New Sketches: Boston Tea Party Biographies - We have added 32 new sketches to our Boston Tea Party Participant Biographies database today! All of the sketches included in this update are proven participants, disproven participants, or eyewitnesses. The goal of this project is to create comprehensive biographical sketches for all individuals associated with or known to have participated in the Boston Tea Party, which...
Godfrey Memorial Library: Middletown, CT Manumissions, 1774-1823 - We are excited to announce that we have collaborated with the Godfrey Memorial Library of Middletown, Connecticut to add 50 records with the Godfrey Memorial Library: Middletown, CT Manumissions, 1774-1823 database as part of American Ancestors’ 10 Million Names initiative. These records were compiled during 2020 and 2021 by Albert Fiacre, Terry Latimer and Diane Reid. Please visit their website to...
Daughters of the American Revolution: Patriots of Color, 1712 – 1888 - This watercolor from the American War of Independence is by Jean Baptiste Antoine de Verger (1762-1851). The watercolor shows the variety of soldiers fighting for American independence, depicting, from left to right, a black soldier of the First Rhode Island Regiment, a New England militiaman, a frontier rifleman, and a French officer. Public domain, via Wikimedia...