Word cloud of the top 100 surnames in the Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants database
We are extremely happy to announce that we have added our final volume to the Mayflower genealogies, and this database is now complete! This project started over a year ago, and our volunteers have invested over six thousand hours of work to scan and index this invaluable information.
Overall the Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants database contains 31 volumes, 10,155 pages, and over 575,000 searchable names. The word cloud image presented above, shows the 100 most common surnames found in the database.
Today’s addition, part three of Henry Samson volume 20, is the final part the searchable database of authenticated Mayflower Pilgrim genealogies, Mayflower Families Fifth Generation Descendants, 1700-1880. This addition adds 726 pages, over 16,000 records and over 50,000 searchable names related to the descendants of Henry Samson. This database index includes birth, baptism, marriage, death, and deed records, and where available, the names of parents and spouses.
Henry Samson was about 16 when he arrived on the Mayflower. He was a cousin of, and in the company of, Edward Tilley and his family. Edward and Agnes Tilley died during the first winter, but Henry survived. In February of 1636 Henry married Anne Plummer. The two went on to have 9 children. Henry died in 1684, and he and Ann are buried in Cole’s Hill Burial Ground in Plymouth. This biography is also available on our Mayflower 2020 site here.
This update is made possible by the efforts of our growing team of volunteers, including; Nancy Borman, Patricia Collette, Fran Danico, Julie Esposito, Tami Jurgensen, Jan Lundquist, Julie Nathanson, Nell Nies, and David Anderson. We genuinely appreciate their dedication. If you are interested in joining the team, please contact Bianca Renzoni, Database Services Volunteer Coordinator bianca.renzoni@nehgs.org.
This database has been constructed from the General Society of Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) very well-known series of books Mayflower Families Through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth, Mass., December 1620 which document the first generation of descendants of the Pilgrims. Through our partnership with GSMD, American Ancestors is delivering this database with a full index of the fifth-generation descendants, and their children, coupled with the page images for those people.
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.