New Print Page Range Capability

New Print page range button on the Record Detail Page


The most requested feature for our search capabilities over the last couple of years is to be able to print more than one page from a database at a time. This is most valuable when your search results are from one of the Probate File Papers databases or from one of our Journal databases, since the information you want is typically spread over multiple pages.

We are very happy to make the Print Page Range capability available today. With it, you can simply enter the number of consecutive pages you would like to print and press Print! So now for those multi-page articles or Probate case files you can get all the images at once. Also, you also have the option of producing a PDF; if your browser supports that as a print option.  The screen below describe how you can use this new capability.


Button location: This new option appears on the Record Detail (see above) and the Image page as shown below.

Print Page range on the Image display page.



Enter the number of pages to print: When you click the Print Page range button, you will have the opportunity to specify the number of pages you would like to have printed. Just enter the number and select Print. You will need to know the number of pages to print.  The cover of each Probate File papers indicates the number of pages in it.  For journal articles you will need to read to the end, the return the the beginning.  lease remember that it takes time to download multiple large image files, so be patient.

Form to enter the number of pages to print.


Pages appear in a pop-up: When the pages have been formatted, they appear in a new Tab. So, you must have pop-ups enable on your browser or you will not get to see the results. After the pages have appeared, the browser print window will allow you to print the pages.

Print page range apears in a separate tab



Print to PDF: Most web browsers provide you a print to PDF option. So, if you change the browser print option to that you can produce a PDF of the article or probate case file. Here is a sample of possible options from the Chrome browser.

Chrome option to print to PDF

We hope that you enjoy this new capability. Please contact us at if you have any questions.