Today we’ve updated our database: Vermont Genealogy, adding Volume 21 from 2016. This database is available thanks to our partnership with the Genealogical Society of Vermont. This update adds over 4,200 new records.
The indexing for this database includes full names, Publication year (not the year of the record), and article titles and authors.
Vermont Genealogy made its debut as a quarterly journal in January 1996. In addition to featuring compiled genealogies, the journal often contains other material including: freeman’s lists; church memberships and dismissals; newspaper vital record abstracts; probate abstracts, cemetery transcriptions, Bible records; Civil War journals; 1890 Census reconstructions; book reviews; and “Seen Elsewhere,” a bibliography of other journal articles relevant to Vermont.
In 2009, Vermont Genealogy switched to semi-annual publication with spring and fall issues. Appointed editor in 2016, Michael F. Dwyer, FASG, has expanded the scope of coverage to include nineteenth-century century immigrant studies, “Gems from the Vermont State Archives,” and continuation of family sketches from “Vermont Families in 1791.”
This update is made possible by the efforts of our volunteer David Anderson. We’d also like to thank Sam Sturgis for his help in making this volume available online.
The entire run of Vermont Genealogy is available at our NEHGS Boston research library, call number F48.V48 1996.
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.