We are very excited to announce our new database: General Society of Colonial Wars Membership Applications, 1893-1949.
This database will eventually include all applications and supplemental applications to the General Society of Colonial Wars starting from their formal founding in 1893. Material is not included for individuals listed in the applications who were born after January 1, 1950. This database is searchable for given names and surnames, and includes records for provided births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials listed for persons in the line of eligibility for membership on the application forms. This database adds more than 390,000 records to search.
Currently, the database includes applications from Member 1 to Member 2629. If an application in this range is excluded, it is either due to the privacy policy outlined above, or it has been deemed as missing from the archive.
This database was created through a partnership of the General Society of Colonial Wars and American Ancestors. The Society of Colonial Wars was founded in New York in 1892 (the General Society was founded a year later in 1893) for the purpose of furthering the interest in, and study of, America’s Colonial history for the period between the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia on May 13, 1607 and the battle of Lexington on April 19, 1775.
Through the years, the General Society of Colonial Wars has established a large network of Colonial War descendants all over the United States. For more information about this society, visit the General Society of Colonial Wars webpage here.
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.