Archive For The “Uncategorized” Category

New sketches: Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784

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Postcard detailing Highland Park in Brattleboro, Vermont c. 1898 (public domain via Wikimedia Commons; available from the New York Public Library’s Digital Library)

Today we’ve updated 2 sketches and added 10 new sketches to Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784. The people profiled in the new sketches lived in Brattleboro and Fort Dummer.

With this study project, Scott Andrew Bartley researches the heads of families who lived in Vermont prior to the Revolutionary War.  These sketches illustrate major players on political and religious fronts, uncover the migration patterns for this period in the region, and identify all those just looking to better their lives on the new frontier.  This project is proceeding in two series, settlers to 1771 and 1772-1784.  The work so far has been geographical, focusing on Windsor and Windham Counties.

The updated sketches are listed below:

Brown, Samuel (Brattleboro)
Chamberlain, Thomas (Brattleboro)

The new sketches are listed below:

Davis, Jabez (Brattleboro)

Earhart, Isaac (Brattleboro)

Ellis, Thomas (Brattleboro)

Ellis, William (Brattleboro)

Farrand, Thomas (Brattleboro)

Fisher, Ebenezer (Brattleboro)

Greenleaf, Stephen (Brattleboro)

Hobbs, Jonathan (Brattleboro)

Leighton, Mr. (Brattleboro)

Sargent, John (Fort Dummer)

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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Archdiocese of Boston: new searchable records from Lawrence and Plymouth

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Postcard detailing Leyden Street in Plymouth, Massachusetts; postcard originally published by A.S. Burbank, c. 1910 (courtesy of The Newberry, Chicago, Illinois).

Today we’ve added 14 new volumes to Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from  St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence), St. Mary (Plymouth) and St. Peter (Plymouth). This update adds over 17,900 records and more than 40,000 names to search.

The new volumes are listed below:

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Baptisms, 1903-1914

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Baptisms, 1914-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Deaths, 1906-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Marriages, 1903-1920

St. Mary (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1915-1918, Book 1

St. Mary (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1915-1918, Book 2

St. Mary (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1918-1920

St. Mary (Plymouth) Confirmations, 1915-1920

St. Mary (Plymouth) Marriages, 1915-1920

St. Peter (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1906-1910

St. Peter (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1910-1918

St. Peter (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1918-1920

St. Peter (Plymouth) Confirmations, 1910-1920

St. Peter (Plymouth) Marriages, 1908-1920

Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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New database: General Society of the War of 1812 Membership Applications, 1854-1979

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Combat between the USS Constitution and HMS Guerriere by Michel Felice Corne (1752-1845). Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.

We are very excited to announce our new database: General Society of the War of 1812 Membership Applications, 1854-1979.

This database includes all applications and supplemental applications to the General Society of the War of 1812 starting from their formal founding in 1854. Material is not included for individuals listed in the applications who were born after January 1, 1979. This database is searchable for given names and surnames, and includes records for provided births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials listed for persons in the line of eligibility for membership on the application forms. This database adds more than 170,000 records to search.

Currently, the database includes applications from Member 1 to Member 5200. If an application is excluded, it is due to the privacy policy outlined above.

This database was created through a partnership of the General Society of the War of 1812 and AmericanAncestors.  We thank the employees and volunteers of both organizations for amazing work to make this information available online.

Through the years, the General Society of the War of 1812 has established a large network of War of 1812 descendants all over the United States. For more information about this society, you can see the General Society of the War of 1812 web page.

Please noteThis database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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Suffolk County, MA Probate File Papers: new records

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Photograph of State Street, Boston, Massachusetts, c. 19th century. Photographer unknown (From Robert N. Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views, New York Public Library; Image public domain via Wikimedia Commons).

Today we’re announcing a major update to Suffolk County, MA Probate File Papers.  This addition includes case numbers 43718-49999, a total of 232,885 new file papers.

This database was created from digital images and index contributed to NEHGS by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives.  The probate cases include wills, guardianships, administrations, and various other types of probate records.  We’d like to thank Sam Sturgis for his work on this update.

The complete Suffolk County File Papers collection will eventually cover cases 1-94,757, which includes years up to 1893. The cases are indexed chronologically, which allows us to present them in sections while digital photography is taking place. We will continue to add additional cases as they become available.

If you have questions on how to search this database, or about our collaboration with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives, please watch our video, How to Search Massachusetts Probate File Papers.  The Massachusetts Archives also have a very helpful website that serves as a directory as to where you can find which pieces of probate information.

Please note: This database is available to all NEHGS members.

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Archdiocese of Boston: New records from Kingston, Lawrence, Maynard, Quincy, Revere, Salem, South Boston, Waltham and Woburn

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Postcard published by A. S. Burbank in 1906, depicting the view down Summer Street in Kingston, Plymouth County, Massachusetts (Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons).

Today we’ve updated both our browsable and searchable Catholic Records databases.

We’ve added 29 new volumes to Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. Joseph (Kingston), Sts. Peter and Paul (Lawrence), St. Casimir (Maynard), St. Anthony of Padua (Revere), St. Joseph (Salem), St. Peter (South Boston) and St. Joseph (Waltham). This update adds over 30,000 records and more than 61,000 names to search.

We’ve also added 15 new volumes to Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. John the Baptist (Quincy), St. Joseph (Quincy), St. Joseph (Woburn) and St. Joseph (Salem). This update adds over 4,100 new pages to browse.

We’d like to thank Sam Sturgis for his help making these parishes available online.

If you need help navigating the image-only collection, please consult our most recent webinar, Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Records Project: We’re Expanding! 

The new volumes are listed below.

Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920

St. Joseph (Kingston) Baptisms, 1908-1920

St. Joseph (Kingston) Confirmations, 1910-1920

St. Joseph (Kingston) Marriages, 1908-1920

Sts. Peter and Paul (Lawrence) Baptisms, 1905-1920

Sts. Peter and Paul (Lawrence) Marriages, 1905-1920

St. Casimir (Maynard) Baptisms, 1912-1920

St. Casimir (Maynard) Deaths, 1913-1920

St. Casimir (Maynard) First Communions, 1917-1920

St. Casimir (Maynard) Marriages, 1913-1920

St. Casimir (Maynard) Various, 1912-1920

St. Anthony of Padua (Revere) Baptisms, 1905-1915

St. Anthony of Padua (Revere) Baptisms, 1913-1916

St. Anthony of Padua (Revere) Baptisms, 1917-1920

St. Anthony of Padua (Revere) Baptisms, 1920

St. Anthony of Padua (Revere) Confirmations, 1907-1920

St. Anthony of Padua (Revere) Marriages, 1906-1920

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1906-1908

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1908-1912

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1912-1914

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1914-1920

St. Joseph (Salem) Marriages, 1908-1914

St. Joseph (Salem) Marriages, 1914-1920

St. Peter (South Boston) Baptisms, 1877-1913

St. Peter (South Boston) Baptisms, 1913-1915

St. Peter (South Boston) Baptisms, 1916-1920

St. Peter (South Boston) Deaths, 1909-1920

St. Peter (South Boston) Marriages, 1896-1904

St. Peter (South Boston) Marriages, 1904-1920

St. Joseph (Waltham) Baptisms, 1916-1920

Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920

St. John the Baptist (Quincy) Baptisms, 1910-1917

St. John the Baptist (Quincy) Baptisms, 1917-1920

St. John the Baptist (Quincy) Marriages, 1900-1920

St. John the Baptist (Quincy) Marriages, 1920

St. Joseph (Quincy) Baptisms, 1917-1920

St. Joseph (Quincy) Marriages, 1917-1920

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1906-1908

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1908-1912

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1912-1914

St. Joseph (Salem) Baptisms, 1914-1920

St. Joseph (Salem) Marriages, 1908-1914

St. Joseph (Salem) Marriages, 1914-1920

St. Joseph (Woburn) Baptisms, 1906-1920

St. Joseph (Woburn) Confirmations, 1906-1920

St. Joseph (Woburn) Marriages, 1907-1920

Please note: Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to all NEHGS members.  Learn more about becoming a NEHGS guest member (free).

Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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Archdiocese of Boston: new records from Belmont, Danvers, East Boston, Lawrence, Marlborough, Middleboro, Needham and South Boston

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Map by Henry Francis Walling detailing Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts; 1853. (Public Domain, via Boston Public Library).

Today we’ve updated both our browsable and searchable Catholic Records databases.

We’ve added 18 new volumes to Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. John the Baptist (East Boston), St. Mary (Marlborough) and Our Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston). This update adds over 24,300 records and more than 48,000 names to search.

We’ve also added 16 new volumes to Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. Luke (Belmont), St. Mary of the Annunciation (Danvers), St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence), Sacred Heart (Middleboro), St. Joseph (Needham), and St. Brigid (South Boston). This update adds over 1,500 new pages to browse.

We’d like to thank Sam Sturgis for his help making these parishes available online.

If you need help navigating the image-only collection, please consult our most recent webinar, Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Records Project: We’re Expanding! 

The new volumes are listed below.

Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920

St. John the Baptist (East Boston) Baptisms, 1905-1911

St. John the Baptist (East Boston) Baptisms, 1912-1920

St. John the Baptist (East Boston) Marriages, 1902-1913

St. John the Baptist (East Boston) Marriages, 1914-1920

St. Mary (Marlborough) Baptisms, 1905-1908

St. Mary (Marlborough) Baptisms, 1908-1913

St. Mary (Marlborough) Baptisms, 1913-1920

St. Mary (Marlborough) Deaths, 1914-1920

St. Mary (Marlborough) First Communions, 1904-1920

St. Mary (Marlborough) Marriages, 1908-1911

St. Mary (Marlborough) Marriages, 1913-1920

Our Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston) Baptisms, 1902-1916

Our Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston) Baptisms, 1908-1913

Our Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston) Baptisms, 1916-1917

Out Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston) Baptisms, 1917-1920

Our Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston) Deaths and Burials, 1910-1920

Our Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston) Marriages, 1903-1908

Our Lady of Czestochowa (South Boston) Marriages, 1908-1916

Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920

St. Luke (Belmont) Baptisms, 1919-1920

St. Luke (Belmont) Marriages, 1919-1920

St. Mary of the Annunciation (Danvers) Baptisms, 1900-1920

St. Mary of the Annunciation (Danvers) Confirmations, 1902-1920

St. Mary of the Annunciation (Danvers) Deaths, 1916-1920

St. Mary of the Annunciation (Danvers) Marriages, 1916-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Baptisms, 1903-1914

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Baptisms, 1914-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Deaths, 1906-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Lawrence) Marriages, 1903-1920

Sacred Heart (Middleboro) Confirmations, 1908-1920

St. Joseph (Needham) Baptisms, 1917-1920

St. Joseph (Needham) Marriages, 1917-1920

St. Brigid (South Boston) Baptisms, 1908-1916

St. Brigid (South Boston) Baptisms, 1916-1920

St. Brigid (South Boston) Marriages, 1908-1920

Please note: Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to all NEHGS members.  Learn more about becoming a NEHGS guest member (free).

Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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Archdiocese of Boston: New browsable records from Arlington, Braintree, Malden, Medford and Quincy

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Statue depicting St. Francis of Assisi, located in the courtyard of the Old North Church in Boston, Massachusetts (Public domain via Wikimedia Commons).

Today we’ve added 21 new volumes to Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. Agnes (Arlington), St. Francis of Assisi (Braintree), St. Joseph (Malden), St. James (Medford), St. Raphael (Medford), and Sacred Heart (Quincy), This update adds over 2,100 new pages to browse.

We’d like to thank Sam Sturgis for his help making these parishes available online.

If you need help navigating the image-only collection, please consult our most recent webinar, Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Records Project: We’re Expanding! 

The new volumes are listed below:

Sacred Heart (Quincy) Baptisms, 1903-1920

Sacred Heart (Quincy) Baptisms, 1920

Sacred Heart (Quincy) Confirmations, 1918-1920

Sacred Heart (Quincy) Marriages, 1903-1920

St. Agnes (Arlington) Baptisms, 1912-1920

St. Agnes (Arlington) Confirmations, 1877-1920

St. Agnes (Arlington) First Communions, 1897-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Braintree) Baptisms, 1903-1919

St. Francis of Assisi (Braintree) Baptisms, 1919-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Braintree) Confirmations, 1908-1920

St. Francis of Assisi (Braintree) Marriages, 1903-1920

St. James (Medford) Baptisms, 1919-1920

St. James (Medford) Marriages, 1920

St. Joseph (Malden) Baptisms, 1915-1920

St. Joseph (Malden) Confirmations, 1903-1920

St. Joseph (Malden) First Communions, 1917-1920

St. Joseph (Malden) Marriages, 1902-1920

St. Joseph (Medford) Confirmations, 1899-1920

St. Raphael (Medford) Baptisms, 1905-1920

St. Raphael (Medford) Confirmations, 1906-1920

St. Raphael (Medford) Marriages, 1905-1920

 Please note: Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to all NEHGS members.  Learn more about becoming a NEHGS guest member (free).

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Christian Intelligencer: Marriages (Reformed Dutch Church), 1830-1871 Now Fully Indexed with Images

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Photograph of the Reformed Dutch Church in Stone Arabia, Montgomery County, New York, c. 1930. Photograph taken as part of the Historic American Buildings Survey (Public domain via Wikimedia Commons and the Library of Congress).

Today we are releasing an updated version of our Christian Intelligencer: Marriages (Reformed Dutch Church), 1830-1871 database. This updated version includes the images from the collection, and the index includes full names, including parents and spouses where available.

In 1830 the Association of Members of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York City began publishing the Christian Intelligencer . From 1830 to 1871 the paper published announcements of marriages performed by ministers of this faith in this country and elsewhere. Many marriages of other denominations reported by readers were also published. In many cases, these announcements are the only known record of marriage. It was not required by law to keep marriage records during this time and many of the church records have been lost or destroyed. This database represents ten volumes of marriage records compiled and edited by Ray C. Sawyer in 1931.

This database now includes more than 1,000 pages, 41,000 records, and more than 85,000 searchable names.

This project was made possible by the efforts of our wonderful volunteers: David Anderson, Eldon Gay, Arlys LeFehr, Carolyn Jack, Katherine Marshall-Mayer, Ross Weaver, Mirca Sghedoni, Alan Phelps, Alida Baker, Barbara Macken, Becki Clarke, Bill Morse, Carol Botteron, Carol Farrington, Cece Lasely, Christine Smith, Daria O’Connor, David Anderson, David Fredette, Elaine Wood, Elizabeth Handler, Fran Danico, Gail Delfose, Gail Wine, Gale Stevenson, Gayle Smalley, Ginny Marshall, Jaimie Williams-Peterson, Jan Lundquist, Janet Essency, Jeanne Brown, Joan Hammond, Joan Koesterherm, Judy Wellna, Karen Buchinger, Karen Petricone, Kathleen Oberley, Kay Sencabaugh, Leslee Johnson, Linda Martin-Berke, Loretta Brown-Aldrich, Mara Witaling, Maureen Keillor, Nancy Johnson, Nina Manno, Renda Smith, Pamela Hugie, Pamela Johnson, Patricia Dalpaiz, Peg Camp, Peggy Burchenal, Phyllis Doucette, Rich Wood, Rick Lagueux, Robyn Choate, Ron Wilson, Ruth Green, Sage Suorsa, Sandy Caldwell, Sandy Murphy Mauer, Sharon Dorrity, and Toni Lattimer.

If you would like to get involved in the database digitization and indexing process, please contact Rachel Adams, Database Services Volunteer Coordinator via email at

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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The Connecticut Nutmegger: new volumes

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Bakers and chefs interested in old-fashioned recipes should read Olivia Patch’s short article in Volume 48, Page 103, 119, 163

Today, we have added three new volumes to The Connecticut Nutmegger database. This update covers Volumes 47-49 (2014-2016) adds over 800 pages and 8,700 searchable names.

The Connecticut Nutmegger has served as the “journal of record” for the Connecticut Society of Genealogists, Inc. (CSG) for forty years. During this time, it has captured a wealth of information for genealogists. Vital records, probate records, bible records, headstone records, memorials and other useful records have been published and made readily accessible for genealogical research. Well-documented family histories and genealogical articles, covering hundreds of families – mainly with Connecticut ties – have been presented. Published articles include commentary on and corrections to previously published family lines, vital records and town histories. Book reviews, research tips, queries and other valuable tools for genealogists have been presented.

The index for these records includes full names, publication year (not the year of the record), and article titles and authors.

This update is made possible by the efforts of our volunteer David Anderson. If you have some time and would like to get involved in the database digitization and indexing process please contact Rachel Adams, Database Services Volunteer Coordinator via email at

The entire run of The Connecticut Nutmegger is available at the NEHGS Boston research library, call number F91.C82.

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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Archdiocese of Boston: New records from Ashland, Franklin, Lawrence, North Chelmsford, Plymouth, Quincy and Saugus

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Bird’s eye view of Franklin, O.H. Bailey for Bailey & Hazen, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Today we’ve updated both our browsable and searchable Catholic Records databases.

We’ve added 23 new volumes to Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. Cecilia (Ashland), St. Mary (Franklin), St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford), St. Mary (Plymouth) and St. Peter (Plymouth). This update adds over 3,000 new pages to browse.

We’ve also added 5 new volumes to Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. Mary (Lawrence), St. Joseph (Quincy) and Blessed Sacrament (Saugus). This update adds over 6,200 records and 24,600 new searchable names.

We’d like to thank Sam Sturgis for his help making these parishes available online.

If you need help navigating the image-only collection, please consult our most recent webinar, Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Records Project: We’re Expanding! 

The new volumes are listed below.

Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920
St. Cecilia (Ashland) Baptisms & Marriages, 1884-1910

St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford) Baptisms, 1893-1910
St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford) Baptisms, 1907-1916
St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford) Baptisms, 1907-1916 (Copy)
St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford) Baptisms, 1910-1919
St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford) Baptisms, 1919-1920
St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford) Marriages, 1893-1915
St. John the Evangelist (North Chelmsford) Marriages, 1910-1920

St. Mary (Franklin) Baptisms, 1877-1896
St. Mary (Franklin) Baptisms, 1896-1920
St. Mary (Franklin) Marriages, 1877-1920

St. Mary (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1915-1918
St. Mary (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1915-1918 (Copy)
St. Mary (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1918-1920
St. Mary (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1918-1920 (Copy)
St. Mary (Plymouth) Confirmations, 1915-1920
St. Mary (Plymouth) Marriages, 1915-1920
St. Mary (Plymouth) Marriages, 1915-1920 (Copy)

St. Peter (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1906-1910
St. Peter (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1910-1918
St. Peter (Plymouth) Baptisms, 1918-1920
St. Peter (Plymouth) Confirmations, 1910-1920
St. Peter (Plymouth) Marriages, 1908-1920

Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920
Blessed Sacrament (Saugus) Baptisms, 1917-1920
Blessed Sacrament (Saugus) Marriages, 1917-1920

St. Joseph (Quincy) Baptisms, 1917-1920
St. Joseph (Quincy) Marriages, 1917-1920

St. Mary (Lawrence) Baptisms, 1913-1920

Please note: Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to all NEHGS members.  Learn more about becoming a NEHGS guest member (free).

Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, 1789-1920 is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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