Londonderry, NH: Vital Records 1720-1910 is now searchable by first name, last name, year, record type, spouse name, and parents’ names. The location for all records this database is set to Londonderry, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States.
Londonderry, NH was settled by a group of Scotch-Irish immigrants who came from Londonderry in Northern Ireland. These immigrants reached this promising area for settlement in New Hampshire in 1719 and established a charter for the township of Londonderry in 1722. Learn more about this database, created from Daniel Annis Gage’s, Vital records of Londonderry, New Hampshire on our About this Database page.
Plaistow, NH: Vital Records 1726-1821 is also now searchable by first name, last name, year, record type, spouse name, and parents’ names. The location for all records in this database is set to Plaistow, Rockingham, New Hampshire, United States.
Plaistow, NH was originally part of Haverhill, MA. A border dispute between the Province of Massachusetts Bay and the Province of New Hampshire was settled in the 1740s. Plaistow, NH officially became a town in 1749. This database is created from Priscilla Hammond’s Vital records of Plaistow, New Hampshire. The town of Plaistow’s website includes a helpful PDF with an overview of the history of the town.
We’re experimenting with some new statistics now available to us behind the scenes. Here are two word clouds representing the twenty-five most common last names in each collection. Many of our collections have Smith as the most common last name, like Londonderry. However, in Plaistow, the most common last name in these vital records is Harriman. Take a look!

Top 25 Last Names in Londonderry VRs

Top 25 Last Names in Plaistow VRs
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership .