Portsmouth Harbor — detail of 1893 U. S. Geological Survey map. Courtesy of the Dimond Library, Documents Department & Data Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. This shows Seavey’s Island before it was conjoined with Fernald’s Island, site of the Navy Yard. Public Domain in the United States.
We have updated the index to New Hampshire Gazette: Vital Records, 1756-1800 so that it is now searchable by first name and last name, location, record type, and family members (where available). The text of these extracted marriage and death records published in the New Hampshire Gazette newspaper continues to be searchable via Keyword search.
The New Hampshire Gazette claims the distinction of being the nation’s oldest newspaper and was established in 1756. These records were compiled by Otis G. Hammond, former director of the New Hampshire Historical Society. They were abstracted by Priscilla Hammond in 1937, and this manuscript is part of the R. Stanton Avery Collections at NEHGS.
This is update is made possible by the invaluable efforts of our team of volunteers, particularly; Elizabeth Handler and Marie Wells. We genuinely appreciate the work of all our volunteers. If you would like to join the team, please contact Bianca Renzoni, Database Services Volunteer Coordinator bianca.renzoni@nehgs.org.
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.