New record display page with record text and image thumbnail
We are excited to deliver another enhancement to the search experience today: The Record Display page. When you select a record from your search results, you automatically get the new page, as shown above.
At the top of the page you see all the indexed text from the record you requested on the left side, and large thumbnail of the image for that page on the right. In cases where there is no image text available, there is placeholder noting that there is no image available for that database (see below).
Here are some are the key benefits of the new record display:
- Transcript and image – can be viewed at the same time,and on one screen
- View button – displays the full screen image with the ability zoom in and out, print and download
- “Also on this page” – when other records exist on the page, they are listed on the right and you can navigate to one just by clicking on it
- Comments and Questions at top right – if you want to contact NEHGS about the record, just enter a comment in the box and press “send”
- Citation information – available to view or copy just below the transcript and image
- Database description and search tips – available on the same page
We hope you enjoy this new streamlined way to view your search results. Please address any feedback or comments to webmaster@nehgs.org. We love to hear from you!

Sample record display page when no image is available