A wintery Vermont view
Today we’re announcing a new database, Vermont: Windham and Windsor County Census, 1771. This census enumerated heads of households in 1771 for present-day Windham and Windsor counties in Vermont which was then part of Cumberland County, New York. This census varies widely in form and content. It includes instructions to the constables for how to conduct the census and several tally sheets, so browsing the images is encouraged. The census data was transcribed and published by Scott Andrew Bartley in, “Cumberland Co., N.Y., Census for 1771,” Vermont Genealogy, 17 [2012]: 60-96. The images for this database are courtesy of the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration, and are taken from: Cumberland County, New York (1771). Census and heads of families lists for towns in Cumberland County. Henry Stevens, Sr. Collection (SE-117, Microfilm F-01471). Vermont State Archives and Records Administration, Middlesex, VT. This new database is possible through the work of Scott Andrew Bartley.