The Tobin Bridge connecting Chelsea nad Boston, Tichnor Bros. Inc., Boston, Mass. [Public domain]
This database contains 306 marriages and 4,076 searchable names. David Rosen of the Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Boston provided the scanned images and the index upon which this collection is based; Susan Posner also contributed work to the index.
This database offers the following indexed fields (where the information was provided):
- Last name
- First name
- Parents’ names
- Spouse’s name
- Date
- Location
- Age
- Street address
- Occupation
- Marital status
- Place of birth
- Parents’ places of birth
While Rabbi Benkovitz was based in Chelsea, some of the marriages took place in nearby towns such as Boston, Brookline, Everett, and Revere. The “Street address” and “Place of birth” fields bring even further geographic diversity, encompassing brides and grooms from Maine, New York, Vermont, Wisconsin, Michigan, Russia, Lithuania, Romania, Latvia and more.
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.