We have a brand-new database today, Newton, MA: St. Mary Episcopal Church Cemetery, 1815-1999.
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church and Cemetery are both listed in the Massachusetts State Register of Historical Places. Episcopal services were first held in New Lower Falls in 1811. The church was built in 1813, and Ebenezer Steadman, who fought in the Revolutionary War and was one of the signers of the Petition of Incorporation, was the first burial in the cemetery. For more information about St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, including directions on how to get there, see the website.
The book, St. Mary’s Cemetery Newton, Massachusetts Epitaphs, was compiled by Beverly E. Hurney and published by the New England Historic Genealogical Society in 2000. Beverly was elected as Superintendent of the Cemetery in 1994. This book is the result of her efforts to provide transcriptions of the epitaphs and the most complete listing of persons buried there.
In 2020, Lynn Farnell and volunteers from St. Mary’s Episcopal Church created an index of the birth and death information contained in this this book and generously donated it to NEHGS to create this online database. The database contains over 140 pages of the book and over 3,700 searchable names.
The vast majority of records in the database start in 1815, though there are some births that date back to 1767. When parent and spouse names are clearly documented in the source material, we have included them in this database. The record types in this database are Birth and Death.
This book is also available in the library F74.N56 H87 2000.
Please note: This database is available to all NEHGS members.