Today we’ve added 22 new volumes to Massachusetts: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1920 from St. Michael in Lowell, St. Michael in North Andover and St. Joachim in Rockport. This update adds over 18,700 records and over 62,600 names to search.
St. Michael’s parish began in 1883 when Lowell’s churches were mandated to become geographically-arranged parishes. It was initially served by the priests of St. Patrick’s before it became officially independent. This church was built in Lowell’s Centralville neighborhood, across the river from downtown Lowell.
St. Michael’s Church in North Andover was dedicated in 1869 as many churches proliferated in the Lawrence area. Initially this church was linked with St. Patrick’s in south Lawrence before becoming an independent parish around the turn of the century.
As early as 1856, Catholics were worshiping in Rockport. Prior to the establishment of St. Joachim’s, Catholics would travel to Salem or Gloucester to worship. This parish was established in 1870.
We’d like to thank Sam Sturgis for his help making these parishes available online.
The new volumes are listed below:
St. Michael (Lowell) Baptisms, 1908-1917
St. Michael (Lowell) Baptisms, 1917-1920
St. Michael (Lowell) Confirmations, 1903-1917
St. Michael (Lowell) Confirmations, 1920
St. Michael (Lowell) Convert Baptisms, 1910-1920
St. Michael (Lowell) First Communions, 1901-1920
St. Michael (Lowell) Marriages, 1908-1920
St. Michael (North Andover) Baptisms, 1900-1908
St. Michael (North Andover) Baptisms, 1903-1911
St. Michael (North Andover) Baptisms, 1908-1918
St. Michael (North Andover) Baptisms, 1911-1918
St. Michael (North Andover) Baptisms, 1918-1920
St. Michael (North Andover) Confirmations, 1902-1909
St. Michael (North Andover) First Communions, 1903-1920
St. Michael (North Andover) Marriages, 1908-1920
St. Michael (North Andover) Sick Calls, 1903-1906
St. Joachim (Rockport) Baptisms, 1905-1908
St. Joachim (Rockport) Baptisms, 1907-1920
St. Joachim (Rockport) Confirmations, 1905-1912
St. Joachim (Rockport) Confirmations, 1918-1920
St. Joachim (Rockport) Marriages, 1905-1913
St. Joachim (Rockport) Marriages, 1908-1920
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.