Today we are releasing an updated version of our Christian Intelligencer: Marriages (Reformed Dutch Church), 1830-1871 database. This updated version includes the images from the collection, and the index includes full names, including parents and spouses where available.
In 1830 the Association of Members of the Reformed Dutch Church in New York City began publishing the Christian Intelligencer . From 1830 to 1871 the paper published announcements of marriages performed by ministers of this faith in this country and elsewhere. Many marriages of other denominations reported by readers were also published. In many cases, these announcements are the only known record of marriage. It was not required by law to keep marriage records during this time and many of the church records have been lost or destroyed. This database represents ten volumes of marriage records compiled and edited by Ray C. Sawyer in 1931.
This database now includes more than 1,000 pages, 41,000 records, and more than 85,000 searchable names.
This project was made possible by the efforts of our wonderful volunteers: David Anderson, Eldon Gay, Arlys LeFehr, Carolyn Jack, Katherine Marshall-Mayer, Ross Weaver, Mirca Sghedoni, Alan Phelps, Alida Baker, Barbara Macken, Becki Clarke, Bill Morse, Carol Botteron, Carol Farrington, Cece Lasely, Christine Smith, Daria O’Connor, David Anderson, David Fredette, Elaine Wood, Elizabeth Handler, Fran Danico, Gail Delfose, Gail Wine, Gale Stevenson, Gayle Smalley, Ginny Marshall, Jaimie Williams-Peterson, Jan Lundquist, Janet Essency, Jeanne Brown, Joan Hammond, Joan Koesterherm, Judy Wellna, Karen Buchinger, Karen Petricone, Kathleen Oberley, Kay Sencabaugh, Leslee Johnson, Linda Martin-Berke, Loretta Brown-Aldrich, Mara Witaling, Maureen Keillor, Nancy Johnson, Nina Manno, Renda Smith, Pamela Hugie, Pamela Johnson, Patricia Dalpaiz, Peg Camp, Peggy Burchenal, Phyllis Doucette, Rich Wood, Rick Lagueux, Robyn Choate, Ron Wilson, Ruth Green, Sage Suorsa, Sandy Caldwell, Sandy Murphy Mauer, Sharon Dorrity, and Toni Lattimer.
If you would like to get involved in the database digitization and indexing process, please contact Rachel Adams, Database Services Volunteer Coordinator via email at rachel.adams@nehgs.org.
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.