We are excited to announce that we have added 100 volumes of school records to our database, Portsmouth, NH: School Records, 1846-1958. This database is the result of a partnership between the Portsmouth Athenaeum and NEHGS, and it is full of interesting surprises that can help paint a picture about the students’ lives.
In addition to birth dates, parents, and residences, you can also find the nicknames, deaths, doodles, course plans and books, notes about major events, staff, children running away, the weather, pranks, and punishments, including one about a child who put cayenne pepper in the stove! When complete, this database will have 597 volumes. This addition includes 100 volumes from the following schools: Atlantic Heights, Bartlett, Cabot, Farragut, Franklin, Hanover, Haven, High Street Primary, Jones, Lafayette, Manning, New Franklin, Peabody, Portsmouth High, and Whipple.
The Portsmouth Athenaeum maintains a library of over 40,000 volumes and has held the city’s historic school records since 1991.
The records included in this database are now housed in the collections of Portsmouth Public Library.
We thank the volunteers who have made this database possible! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our Database Volunteer Coordinator, Zobeida, at zobeida.chaffee-valdes@nehgs.org.
Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.