Archive For The “Uncategorized” Category

Vermont Genealogy, Volume 22 (2017)

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Worrall Covered Bridge, Rockingham, Vermont; Wikimedia Commons

Today we’ve updated our database: Vermont Genealogy, adding Volume 22 from 2017. This database is available thanks to our partnership with the Genealogical Society of Vermont. This update adds 224 pages and 5,003 names. The index for this database includes full names, the publication year (not the year of the records), and article titles and authors.

Vermont Genealogy made its debut as a quarterly journal in January 1996. In addition to featuring compiled genealogies, the journal often contains other material including: freeman’s lists, church memberships and dismissals, newspaper vital record abstracts, probate abstracts, cemetery transcriptions, Bible records, Civil War journals, 1890 Census reconstructions, book reviews, and “Seen Elsewhere,” a bibliography of other journal articles relevant to Vermont.

In 2009, Vermont Genealogy switched to semi-annual publication with spring and fall issues. Appointed editor in 2016, Michael F. Dwyer, FASG, has expanded the scope of coverage to include nineteenth-century century immigrant studies, “Gems from the Vermont State Archives,” and continuation of family sketches from “Vermont Families in 1791.”

This update is made possible by the efforts of our volunteer Sam Sturgis. If you are interest in joining our team of volunteers, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Zobeida, at

The entire run of Vermont Genealogy is available at our American Ancestors research library, call number F48.V48 1996.

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above American Ancestors members only. Consider membership

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Update: Massachusetts: Society of Colonial Wars Membership Applications, 1560-1970

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We are happy to announce that the volume “Supplemental Applications” has been added to our database, Massachusetts: Society of Colonial Wars Membership Applications, 1560-1970. This update contains 12,400 pages, 136,123 records, and 324,844 names.

Since its founding in 1893, the SCWMA has combined fraternal good fellowship with a dedication to promoting patriotic values and a knowledge of colonial American history, particularly its military dimension.

This database provides records that includes the applicant’s name, their colonial ancestor, and the birth, marriage, and death information for each generation of descendants on the application. In addition, the membership numbers for the state and the general society are displayed.

The page number for the applications are in the format [MA state member number]:[supplemental number]:[page number].

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above American Ancestors members only. Consider membership

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New Sketches: Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784

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Painting in the Bennington Museum – Bennington, Vermont, USA. Daderot, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Today we’ve added two new sketches to Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784. The people profiled in these sketches lived in Vernon.

These sketches were created by Scott Andrew Bartley, who is researching the heads of families who lived in Vermont prior to the Revolutionary War. His study project is not only identifying those who sought better lives on the frontier, but is also illustrating major players on the political and religious fronts and uncovering regional migration patterns for this period.

The following new sketches have been added:

Garfield, Benjamin (Vernon)

Tute, Amos (Vernon)

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above American Ancestors members only. Consider membership.

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Update: The Mayflower Descendant, Volume 72

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We are happy to announce that we have added Volume 72 (2024) to the Mayflower Descendant database. This update adds 222 pages, 4,095 records, and 4,065 searchable names. The indexing for these records includes full names, publication year (not the year of the record), article titles, and authors.

The Mayflower Descendant was originally published by the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants starting in 1899. In 2015, American Ancestors assumed stewardship of the venerable journal. It is an essential source of information on many New England families, and its focus is not limited to those with Mayflower lineage. The journal includes transcriptions and abstracts of deeds, wills, vital records, and other original documents. In addition, it features compiled genealogies and analytical studies of genealogical problems.

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above American Ancestors members only. Consider membership.

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New Sketches: Boston Tea Party Biographies

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“Boston tea-party.” Three cargoes of tea destroyed. Dec. 16, 1773; Daniel Berger, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

We’re excited to announce that the final 67 sketches have been added to our Boston Tea Party Participant Biographies database! All of the sketches included in this update are proven participants or eyewitnesses.

The goal of this project is to create comprehensive biographical sketches for all individuals associated with or known to have participated in the Boston Tea Party, which took place on December 16, 1773 in Boston Harbor. This project is launched in conjunction with the announcement of the Boston Tea Party Descendants Program, a new lineage society for those whose ancestors participated in the historic revolutionary event. This project, as well as the Descendants Program, are both in collaboration with the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. You can learn more about the Boston Tea Party Descendants Program here.

Below is the list of new biographies:

Akeley, Francis [Participant]

Bassett, Joseph (1738-1833) [Eyewitness]

Beverage, Thomas (1750-1834) [Eyewitness]

Boardman, Joseph (1750-1831) [Eyewitness]

Bradlee, Nathaniel (1746-1813) [Participant]

Brimigion/Brimijion, Thomas (1754-1843) [Participant]

Brown/Browne, Seth Ingersoll (1750-1809) [Participant]

Campbell, Nicholas (1732-1829) [Participant]

Carlton/Carleton, George (1728-1781) [Eyewitness]

Child/Childs, Nathaniel (1740-1815) [Eyewitness]

Clark, Jonathan (1746-1827) [Eyewitness]

Collier, Gershom (1738-1822) [Participant]

Coolidge, Samuel (1753-1816) [Participant]

Cooper, Samuel (1756-1840) [Participant]

Cowdrey, John (1757/8-1835) [Participant]

Cox, William (1750-1833) [Participant]

Curtis, Obadiah (1724-1811) [Participant]

DeCarteret/Carteret, John (1745-1821) [Eyewitness]

Dolbeare/Dolbear, Edmund (1757-1796) [Participant]

Dyer, Samuel (1729-1800) [Eyewitness]

Fenno, Samuel (1745-1806) [Participant]

Foster, Samuel (1751-1778) [Participant]

Fracker/Fricker, Thomas (1751-1825) [Eyewitness]

Gay, Eleazer (1733-1819) [Eyewitness]

Gore, Samuel (1751-1831) [Participant]

Greene/Green, Nathaniel (1738-1791) [Participant]

Hammond, Samuel (1748-1842) [Participant]

Harrington, Peter (1752-1813) [Eyewitness]

Haskins/Hoskins, William (1735/6-1786) [Eyewitness]

Hicks, John (1725-1775) [Participant]

Hobbs, Samuel (1752-1823) [Participant]

Holyoke, John (1743-1807) [Eyewitness]

Houghton, Elijah (1739-1819) [Eyewitness]

Howard, Samuel (1747-1840) [Particpant]

Howard, Samuel (1752-____) [Participant]

Hunnewell, Jonathan (1759-1842) [Participant]

Hunstable, Thomas (____-1798) [Eyewitness]

Jackson, Michael (1734-1801) [Participant]

Joy, Jared (1749-1792) [Eyewitness]

Larrabee, Samuel (1753-1844) [Participant]

Lash, Robert (1741-1818) [Eyewitness]

Lee, Nathaniel (1733-1795) [Eyewitness]

Ludden, Joseph (1753-1829) [Eyewitness]

Mackintosh/MacIntosh/McIntosh, Peter (1757-1846) [Eyewitness]

Marston, John (1756-1846) [Eyewitness]

Martin, John (1752-1817) [Participant]

May, John (1748-1812) [Participant]

Nowell, Samuel (1749-1833) [Participant]

Peck, Samuel (____-1778) [Participant]

Peters, John (1731-1832) [Participant]

Pitman, Isaac (1752-1818) [Eyewitness]

Porter, Thomas (1756-1800) [Participant]

Putnam, Seth (1756-1827) [Eyewitness]

Randall, John (1750-____) [Participant]

Robins/Robbins, Jonathan Dorby/Darby (1758-1848) [Eyewitness]

Sawtelle/Sawtell, John (1743-1811) [Eyewitness]

Sayward, George (1753-1836) [Eyewitness]

Sears, Edmund (1712-1796) [Eyewitness]

Sessions, Robert (1752-1836) [Participant]

Slater, Peter, Jr. (1760-1831) [Participant]

Tuffs/Tufts, William (1750-1847) [Participant]

Watson, James (1745-1834) [Eyewitness]

White, Thomas (1739-1820) [Eyewitness]

Whitehead, John (____-1783) [Eyewitness]

Williams, Isaac (1753-1830) [Eyewitness]

Young, Elkanah (1745-1832) [Eyewitness]

Young, Thomas (1731-1777) [Participant]

Please note: This database is available to all American Ancestors members, including Guest Members, at no cost. Consider membership.

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Update: The Mayflower Descendant, Volume 71

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The Mayflower at Sea, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

We are happy to announce that we have added Volume 71 (2023) to the Mayflower Descendant database. This update adds 232 pages, 4,344 records, and 4,316 searchable names.

The Mayflower Descendant was originally published by the Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants starting in 1899. In 2015, New England Historic Genealogical Society assumed stewardship of the venerable journal. It is an essential source of information on many New England families, and its focus is not limited to those with Mayflower lineage. The journal includes transcriptions and abstracts of deeds, wills, vital records, and other original documents. In addition, it features compiled genealogies and analytical studies of genealogical problems.

The indexing for these records includes full names, publication year (not the year of the record), and article titles, and authors.

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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New Sketches: Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784

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Vermont State Coat of Arms, 1876; Henry Mitchell Restoration by Godot13, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Today we’ve added six new and updated sketches to Early Vermont Settlers, 1700-1784. The people profiled in these sketches lived in Fort Dummer, Springfield, and Vernon.

These sketches were created by Scott Andrew Bartley, who is researching the heads of families who lived in Vermont prior to the Revolutionary War. His study project is not only identifying those who sought better lives on the frontier, but is also illustrating major players on the political and religious fronts and uncovering regional migration patterns for this period.

The following new and updated sketches have been added:

Howe, Caleb (Vernon)

Phipps, William (Fort Dummer)

Porter, Noah (Springfield)

Powers, Nathaniel (Springfield)

Tute, James (Vernon)

Willard, Nathan (Fort Dummer)

Please note: This database is available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

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Massachusetts: Biographical Entries of People of African Descent in New Bedford and Coastal Towns Also Once Part of Dartmouth

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New Bedford (Mass.). Board of Trade; Pease, Zeph. W. (Zephaniah Walter), b. 1861; Hough, George A; Sayer, William L. (William Lawton), 1848-1914, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons

We are excited to announce that we have published the Massachusetts: Biographical Entries of People of African Descent in New Bedford and Coastal Towns Also Once Part of Dartmouth (Westport, Dartmouth, and Fairhaven) database to add 12,501 names, 405 pages, and 6504 records to the 10 Million Names Project. This database consists of one volume (Surnames A-D), and additional volumes will be added in the coming months.

Historian Kathryn Grover, author of The Fugitive’s Gibraltar: Escaping Slaves and Abolitionism in New Bedford, Massachusetts, compiled biographical entries of every person indicated as a person of color in New Bedford and historic Dartmouth (that is, Westport, Dartmouth, and Fairhaven) through 1860. New Bedford was considered a major whaling port during the 19th century, as well as a significant stop on the Underground Railroad. Many freedom seekers settled there after escaping enslavement.

This database is presented as part of the 10 Million Names Project. To learn more about 10 Million Names, please visit the project website. Thank you to Kathryn Grover for kindly donating the data used in this project, and to the many volunteers who indexed the entries and helped make this database possible.

Please note: This database is available to all NEHGS members, including Guest Members, at no cost. Consider membership.

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New Sketches: Boston Tea Party Biographies

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Nathaniel Currier, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

We have added 32 new sketches to our Boston Tea Party Participant Biographies database today! All of the sketches included in this update are proven participants, disproven participants, or eyewitnesses.

The goal of this project is to create comprehensive biographical sketches for all individuals associated with or known to have participated in the Boston Tea Party, which took place on December 16, 1773 in Boston Harbor. This project is launched in conjunction with the announcement of the Boston Tea Party Descendants Program, a new lineage society for those whose ancestors participated in the historic revolutionary event. This project, as well as the Descendants Program, are both in collaboration with the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. You can learn more about the Boston Tea Party Descendants Program here.

Below is the list of new biographies for the following individuals:

Beals, Adam, Jr. (1754-1834) [Participant]

Bolter, Thomas (1735-1811) [Participant]

Bradlee, Josiah (1754-1798) [Participant]

Bradlee, Thomas (1744-1805) [Participant]

Burbeck, William (1716-1785) [Eyewitness]

Clarke/Clark, Benjamin (1727-1783) [Participant]

Coolidge, Joseph (1730-1775) [Eyewitness]

Dana, Thomas, Jr. (1753-1787) [Participant]

Davis, Robert (1747-1798) [Participant]

Eaton, Joseph (1750-1825) [Participant]

Eayres, Joseph (1733-1790) [Participant]

Gerrish, Thomas [Participant]

Grant, Moses (1744-1817) [Participant]

Guy/Gye, Timothy (1720-1757) [Disproved Participant]

Hendly/Hendley, William (1748-1830) [Participant]

Hunnewell, Richard (1731-1805) [Participant]

Hunnewell, Richard, Jr. (1757-1823) [Participant]

Kinnison/Kennison/Kinniston, David (__-1852) [Eyewitness]

Lee, Joseph (1744-1831) [Participant]

Loring, Matthew (1751-1829) [Participant]

Lovering, Joseph (1759-1848) [Participant]

Lyon/Lyons, David (1737-1803) [Eyewitness]

Machin, Thomas (1744-1816) [Disproved Participant]

Maxwell, Thompson (1741-1832) [Participant]

Melvin, William (1742-1832) [Participant]

Moore, Thomas (1753-1813) [Participant]

Mountfort/Mountford, Joseph (1750/51-1838) [Participant]

Palmer, Joseph Pearse (1750-1797) [Participant]

Shed/Shedd, Joseph (1732-1812) [Participant]

Sloper, Samuel (1747-__) [Participant]

Williams, David (1759-1836) [Participant]

Williams, Thomas (1754-1817) [Participant]

More sketches will be released soon, so stay tuned for more!

Please note: This database is available to all NEHGS members, including Guest Members, at no cost. Consider membership.

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Godfrey Memorial Library: Middletown, CT Manumissions, 1774-1823

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Colonial Georgian-style 1746 house built by Judge Seth Wetmore. Intersection of Connecticut Route 66 and Camp Road. Members of the Wetmore Family enslaved three people named Tony, Membo, and Dick as documented in the Middletown Land Records. Photographers Jerrye & Roy Klotz, M.D. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

We are excited to announce that we have collaborated with the Godfrey Memorial Library of Middletown, Connecticut to add 50 records with the Godfrey Memorial Library: Middletown, CT Manumissions, 1774-1823 database as part of American Ancestors’ 10 Million Names initiative. These records were compiled during 2020 and 2021 by Albert Fiacre, Terry Latimer and Diane Reid. Please visit their website to learn more about their work.

All the records in this study were taken from the Middletown land records. The earliest manumission found was in 1774 while the latest one was in 1823. Only one purchase/sale of an enslaved person was found. It was quite possible that other means were used in slave manumissions such as court records. This effort focuses exclusively on land records.

As can be seen in the documents, the typical process in the emancipation of an enslaved person was first to have the Selectmen of Middletown certify that an enslaved person could be set free and then for the enslaver to record the emancipation on the land records. Many of the documents make reference to the “Abolition Act” and the desire to cooperate with the sentiments of that Act.

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