East Portal of the Hoosac Tunnel , Florida, MA, a 4.75 mile railroad tunnel built in the 1850s-1870s.
We’ve updated Massachusetts Vital Records to 1850. Middleborough – V1 and Middleborough – V2 are now searchable by parents’ and spouse’s names. Florida – V1 is new, containing births, marriages and deaths.
The Middleborough records come from Barbara Lambert Merrick and Alicia Crane Williams’s Middleborough, Massachusetts Vital Records, a compilation of transcribed records originally published in the Mayflower Descendant and some later transcriptions for this southeast Massachusetts town.
The Florida, MA records originate in Jay Mack Holbrook’s microform Massachusetts Vital Records: Florida, 1781-1900, which collects a register of early records from this town in western Massachusetts.
We would like to thank all of our volunteers who worked on these two projects!