By Tichnor Brothers, Publisher [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
At its beginning, Lincoln County, Maine covered most of the modern state. It was established at the same time as Cumberland County, stretching from that western border north and east towards modern Canada. Marriages in this collection are found in modern Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Sagadahoc, and Washington counties, as well as Lincoln.
In the 1700s, Westfield was a frontier town, on the very western edge of Massachusetts’ boundaries at that time. Settlers to the area farmed the alluvial valley. Congregations have been worshiping in the same church building in Westfield since 1860, although the church was first established around 1673.
Lincoln County, ME: Commissioners Marriage Records 1759-1777 is now indexed by:
- first and last name
- spouses’ first and last names
- location
- date
- all records have the record type “Marriage.”
Westfield, MA: Deaths in the First Church, 1728-1836 is now indexed by:
- first and last name
- parents’ first and last names
- spouses’ first and last names
- date
- all records have the record type “Death”
- all records have the location Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts, United States
Please note: These databases are available to Individual-level and above NEHGS members only. Consider membership.

By O.H. Bailey & Co. [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons