Our Lady of the Holy Rosary from One Hundred Years of Progress by James Sullivan, p.90
Today we’re announcing three new volumes in Massachusetts: (Image-Only) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records, 1789-1900 from Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in South Boston. This parish was set off from Sts. Peter and Paul in 1884. This update adds more than 600 images to browse. We’d like to thank volunteers Ross and Linda Weaver for their help scanning these volumes. If you need advice on how to navigate this collection, be sure to watch our how-to video. The new volumes are listed below:
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (South Boston) Baptisms, 1884-1896
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (South Boston) Baptisms, 1897-1900
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (South Boston) Marriages, 1884-1900