Today we’ve rolled out a new feature on to help organize your research!
We now offer a list of Saved Records. Here are a few tips on how to use this new feature.
Do a search for one of your ancestors. When you’ve found someone you’d like to save, click on their name in the search results list. This will take you to the Record Display page (see image below). Click on the new blue Save Record button in the upper right corner. This will add this record to your Saved Records list!

There are now stars next to the “Also on this page” names. You can click on a star to add other people who appear this same page to your Saved Records list. Below you can see that I’ve added my great-grandparents Egbert and Elizabeth as well as my great-great grandmother Abbie, and an aunt Mary to my list of Saved Records.

To view your Saved Records list, go to Advanced Search in our Search drop-down menu (available on the homepage). There is now a Saved Records button in the upper right corner, near the Saved Searches drop-down.

Click this blue button, and you’ll get to your list of Saved Records. This list will display the name of the person in the record, the database from which it comes, the record type, year, and location information. In the Created Date column, you can see the date that you saved that record. You can always remove a record from this list using the “Remove from My Saved Records” button.

We’ve also made it easier to move between the Transcript page and the Record Display page. Say you’re on the Search Results page, and instead of clicking on a name (which leads to the Record Display page), you click directly on “View Image.” This will take you to the image for this record. If you click “Transcript”, you’ll see the index for this page.

Once you’re on the Transcript page, click on a name to get to the Record Display page, where you can view the details we’ve transcribed for that record and save the record to your Saved Records list! If there is an annotation for the record, you will also see it on the Record Display page. It’s always good to check for annotations–if a user has reported a problem with that record, you will be directed to an alternate source that may have more correct information.