We’re excited to announce that the final 67 sketches have been added to our Boston Tea Party Participant Biographies database! All of the sketches included in this update are proven participants or eyewitnesses.
The goal of this project is to create comprehensive biographical sketches for all individuals associated with or known to have participated in the Boston Tea Party, which took place on December 16, 1773 in Boston Harbor. This project is launched in conjunction with the announcement of the Boston Tea Party Descendants Program, a new lineage society for those whose ancestors participated in the historic revolutionary event. This project, as well as the Descendants Program, are both in collaboration with the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum. You can learn more about the Boston Tea Party Descendants Program here.
Below is the list of new biographies:
Bassett, Joseph (1738-1833) [Eyewitness]
Beverage, Thomas (1750-1834) [Eyewitness]
Boardman, Joseph (1750-1831) [Eyewitness]
Bradlee, Nathaniel (1746-1813) [Participant]
Brimigion/Brimijion, Thomas (1754-1843) [Participant]
Brown/Browne, Seth Ingersoll (1750-1809) [Participant]
Campbell, Nicholas (1732-1829) [Participant]
Carlton/Carleton, George (1728-1781) [Eyewitness]
Child/Childs, Nathaniel (1740-1815) [Eyewitness]
Clark, Jonathan (1746-1827) [Eyewitness]
Collier, Gershom (1738-1822) [Participant]
Coolidge, Samuel (1753-1816) [Participant]
Cooper, Samuel (1756-1840) [Participant]
Cowdrey, John (1757/8-1835) [Participant]
Cox, William (1750-1833) [Participant]
Curtis, Obadiah (1724-1811) [Participant]
DeCarteret/Carteret, John (1745-1821) [Eyewitness]
Dolbeare/Dolbear, Edmund (1757-1796) [Participant]
Dyer, Samuel (1729-1800) [Eyewitness]
Fenno, Samuel (1745-1806) [Participant]
Foster, Samuel (1751-1778) [Participant]
Fracker/Fricker, Thomas (1751-1825) [Eyewitness]
Gay, Eleazer (1733-1819) [Eyewitness]
Gore, Samuel (1751-1831) [Participant]
Greene/Green, Nathaniel (1738-1791) [Participant]
Hammond, Samuel (1748-1842) [Participant]
Harrington, Peter (1752-1813) [Eyewitness]
Haskins/Hoskins, William (1735/6-1786) [Eyewitness]
Hicks, John (1725-1775) [Participant]
Hobbs, Samuel (1752-1823) [Participant]
Holyoke, John (1743-1807) [Eyewitness]
Houghton, Elijah (1739-1819) [Eyewitness]
Howard, Samuel (1747-1840) [Particpant]
Howard, Samuel (1752-____) [Participant]
Hunnewell, Jonathan (1759-1842) [Participant]
Hunstable, Thomas (____-1798) [Eyewitness]
Jackson, Michael (1734-1801) [Participant]
Joy, Jared (1749-1792) [Eyewitness]
Larrabee, Samuel (1753-1844) [Participant]
Lash, Robert (1741-1818) [Eyewitness]
Lee, Nathaniel (1733-1795) [Eyewitness]
Ludden, Joseph (1753-1829) [Eyewitness]
Mackintosh/MacIntosh/McIntosh, Peter (1757-1846) [Eyewitness]
Marston, John (1756-1846) [Eyewitness]
Martin, John (1752-1817) [Participant]
May, John (1748-1812) [Participant]
Nowell, Samuel (1749-1833) [Participant]
Peck, Samuel (____-1778) [Participant]
Peters, John (1731-1832) [Participant]
Pitman, Isaac (1752-1818) [Eyewitness]
Porter, Thomas (1756-1800) [Participant]
Putnam, Seth (1756-1827) [Eyewitness]
Randall, John (1750-____) [Participant]
Robins/Robbins, Jonathan Dorby/Darby (1758-1848) [Eyewitness]
Sawtelle/Sawtell, John (1743-1811) [Eyewitness]
Sayward, George (1753-1836) [Eyewitness]
Sears, Edmund (1712-1796) [Eyewitness]
Sessions, Robert (1752-1836) [Participant]
Slater, Peter, Jr. (1760-1831) [Participant]
Tuffs/Tufts, William (1750-1847) [Participant]
Watson, James (1745-1834) [Eyewitness]
White, Thomas (1739-1820) [Eyewitness]
Whitehead, John (____-1783) [Eyewitness]
Williams, Isaac (1753-1830) [Eyewitness]
Young, Elkanah (1745-1832) [Eyewitness]
Young, Thomas (1731-1777) [Participant]
Please note: This database is available to all American Ancestors members, including Guest Members, at no cost. Consider membership.